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Warfare and Worship Banners

I Felt Like I Was Flying - Introducing Yvonne Holt ‘Raising the Standard’ Co-Editor

Posted June 2021 by Yvonne Holt, Texas, USA

Shalom, I am excited to be a co-editor for ‘Raising the Standard’, to provide thought provoking nuggets for banner wielders.

When I first met a banner

My introduction to banner wielding came during an evening worship service in Georgia, USA in 2009. There were many demonstrations of worship including dancing, singing, and acting. However, there was one woman who came out to present by herself with a small banner that was purple, gold, and red. That undid me!

I had never seen a banner used in worship before this so I was captivated by how such a delicate looking cloth could display power and authority yet love and grace at the same time. I wanted to know more but had to wait until morning.

The next morning, I discovered the lady made and sells banners, and I went with a ton of questions to meet with her. A few minutes into talking she points to her banners and said “Try one and see what Holy Spirit is saying to you.” Well, I felt like I was flying, and I heard “Unlock, Unlock, Unlock” over and over again.

Since that moment, over 12 years ago, Holy Spirit has been unlocking and setting people around me into motion with banners. This is part of the prophetic journey of my life with banners. Along that journey I was blessed with meeting Tinah Marie and David in planning for an Americas Banner Summit (postponed till after the pandemic!) and this year they invited me to work on “Raising the Standard” newsletter.

Share and be free to demonstrate

We are called by FATHER GOD to be banner wielders and HE extends this to all who will say yes. No matter if you are young, old, eldest, male, or female there is no special requirement just a heart to worship GOD as HE designed you. So, share, share, share your banner wielding gift and the ‘Raising the Standard’ newsletter with everyone you can.

It just might be the key to unlock their exuberant worship.

A fun nugget about me

I love to garden and this year a male and female dove decided to build a nest in my pot of parsley, and they laid two eggs for their first brood. I’m expecting the young to hatch at any moment!


Posted June 2021 by Yvonne Holt, Texas, USA

Your comments and reflections on this article are welcome: Email enquiry@worshipbanners.org

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