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Worship & Warfare BannersHand painted silk
Worship & Warfare Banners Worship & Warfare Banners
Worship & Warfare Bannershand painted silk banners fromOut Of Our Minds Banners
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The Banner Man from...;
Warfare and Worship Banners

Introducing Tinah Marie

Posted May 2021 by Tinah Marie - USA

I am excited to be co-editing ‘Raising the Standard’, to provide thought provoking nuggets for banner wielders across the globe.

When Banner and Spirit Meet

With 20 years of banner waving under my belt, I might be considered a veteran banner wielder. My introduction came during a dance ministry conference in Texas, USA in 2001. Two white banners processed into the room with amazing grandeur. I’d never seen a ‘flag’ that big before. With eyes focused and cheers muted, my surroundings faded from view. I was mesmerised – captivated by their breath and utter magnificence.

I don’t recall how I got hold of one. Pole in hands, arms stretched forth, eyes fixated on that beautiful silk cloth; I stood balanced on two chairs, waving that banner to and fro. With every ripple, every snap, every billow of that cloth, I felt a comfort, a familiarity, a real connection being birthed within.

The excitement was like no other experience. Pulled in by the spirit, it was transforming – life changing.

Opportunities lead to other opportunities

In 2019, I had the opportunity to attend David Stanfield’s Global Banner Summit in Monteleger, France. I met amazing banner wielders from across the globe, some of who are reading this newsletter today.

That experience brought banner wielding to a new level for me, and an even greater appreciation for connecting with the global banner community.

Shifting the Atmosphere

Banners shift the atmosphere! Their sheer size are the great disruptors because they grab people’s attention. When raised, they cause people to look up, distracting them from what they’re doing, like engaging on their cell phones.

From there David and I connected. We began the start of a great friendship. This year he extended the invitation to co-editor the newsletter. And here I am.

Share, Share, Share

I want to encourage you to share the newsletter with as many people you know. Give them an opportunity to learn about banners, pique their interest in becoming a banner wielder and grow the banner community.

Fun Facts

I’m a resident of Newark, New Jersey, USA, who enjoys dancing, counselling and decorating. Oh, and most of all, I just love, love, love dogs.

Posted May 2021 by Tinah Marie - USA

Your comments and reflections on this article are welcome: Email enquiry@worshipbanners.org

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