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Banner Wielders Need to Rest!

Posted June 2021 by Yvonne Holt, Texas, USA

What is this Rest?

“And by the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested (ceased) on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.” Genesis 2:2

This is a time to stop your normal routine of work and purposefully set a comfortable and inviting atmosphere to rest. During this time, you might gather with family, friends or by yourself with God.

God modelled from sundown Friday evening to sundown Saturday evening as the seventh day, a day to consciously and purposefully rest.

Will you miss God if you can’t rest at this exact time? No. God doesn’t put fear on us – but He does make principles for a healthy life and ministry very clear.

The purpose is to enter into Shabbat rest because GOD created it for you. Its purpose is to support your relationship with Him, so every week you can draw closer to Him and see life from HIS perspective. He put an emphasis on it – linked to you deeply knowing that you are set apart and declared holy by Him.

That’s important for us Banner Wielders!

“You are to speak to the people of Israel and say, ‘Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the Lord, sanctify you.” Exodus 31:13

In other words, when we stop focusing on our usual work, and purposefully rest, it gives us the opportunity to better focus on God and appreciate all He does for us. This is not unique to a weekly day of rest, but to other ‘Sabbaths’ as well. Like God’s biblical calendar of festivals such as Passover and Rosh Hashanah.

Even the Sabbatical year (wouldn’t THAT be nice!) is referred to as ‘Shabbat’ in the Bible.

They all involve the command to desist from work on some level, creating opportunities to find ways of refreshing our relationship with God. And we ALL need to do that!

Why Take Purposeful Rests?

This is how The Voice translation expresses Hebrews 4:1-5

“That’s why, as long as that promise of entering God’s rest remains open to us, we should be careful that none of us seem to fall short ourselves. Those people in the wilderness heard God’s good news, just as we have heard it, but the message they heard didn’t do them any good since it wasn’t combined with faith. We who believe are entering into salvation’s rest, as He said, “That is why I swore in anger they would never enter salvation’s rest, [Psalm 95:11] even though God’s works were finished from the very creation of the world. (For didn’t God say that on the seventh day of creation He rested from all His works? [Genesis 2:2] And doesn’t God say in the psalm [Ps 95:11] that they would never enter into salvation’s rest?)”

And this is part of The Voice’s commentary on them:

In the Ten Commandments God commands His people to remember the Sabbath day, keep it holy, and do no work. By letting go of daily work, they declared their absolute dependence on God to meet their needs. We do not live by the work of our hands, but by the Bread and Word that God supplies.

But a greater rest is yet to come. Jesus embodies this greater rest that still awaits the people of God, a people fashioned through obedience and faith. If some of us fail to enter that rest, it is because we fail to answer the call.

GOD knew that we would need to take a day to pause and refresh ourselves. I believe this is important for banner wielders to know about! We are often very visible examples of God’s people.

This concept of rest was emphasised by God for all His people, whether you are Jewish or not. There is no guilt, shame, or condemnation if you do not rest, it is a choice. However, there is a Blessing that comes with making this choice.

I have a suggestion to help you and those you love enter into Shabbat Rest. As Banner Wielders we have some great tools to help. Let your inner child be free! Invite your family and friends over and get out your banners and enjoy. It doesn’t matter if it’s inside your home, or outside, whether it is a small space or large space - wield your banner and enjoy.

Notice what happens to your confidence in God and the sense of being set apart and holy!

My Purposeful Rest Challenge to You

This month I challenge you to enter into Shabbat rest whether you have before or not. And then write to us and share your experience.

Perhaps, try using your banners in a different way or place as you rest.

Ask the Lord what Shabbat rest is for you and your family. GOD is The Master Creator, and HE invites us to rest and then create, change our atmosphere and our situations.


Posted June 2021 by Yvonne Holt, Texas, USA

Your comments and reflections on this article are welcome: Email enquiry@worshipbanners.org

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