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Men and Banners

Posted on 7 March, 2016 by David Stanfield

For many years, the Western church has seen movement and banners as ‘feminine’ or for ‘women only’.

While I believe women have an important role to play in the use of banners in worship, warfare and ministry - it breaks my heart to see so few men participate. When we look at the Bible and even our culture, we see men using banners with enthusiasm. Why should it be any different in the church?

Most of the Bible references to banners imply that men were the leaders when banners were used. In Scripture, if there is a gender associated with the banner holder, the gender is male. The first direct reference to banners in Numbers 1:52 refers to “…each man …under his own standard”. I’m certain women helped in making the first banners in the Bible, but it was the men with whom banners were most often associated.

Men Wielding Banners for Worship and Warfare

In Western culture, we also see men freely using banners. One of the most common places is at the football. Or in the Armed Forces. At yard lots or car sales. At sporting events such as the Olympics. Men marching proud and free, waving banners and flags.

In my opinion, it is the men in our Christian society who have suffered most from lack of freedom in worship. Cultural pressure in western societies - to be restrained and live up to standards of ‘normal’ - seem to impact men the most. And it has also been my experience that those who receive the greatest release and sense of freedom from using banners are men.

The biblical precedent is set - men and banners are powerfully and inextricably linked. Extracted from “Wielding Banners for Worship and Warfare” available as an ebook or paperback›

Posted on 7 March, 2016 by David Stanfield

Your comments and reflections on this post are welcome: Email enquiry@worshipbanners.org

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