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Worship & Warfare BannersHand painted silk
Worship & Warfare Banners Worship & Warfare Banners
Worship & Warfare Bannershand painted silk banners fromOut Of Our Minds Banners
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“Tsunami - Waves of Love” An amazing story!

The following story is made up from information provided by Allana Johnson, the banner designer, Marion Maskelyne, the Intercessor who transmitted the banner, and Rhea Wildermuth, an intercessor who received the banner on behalf of the flood-affected congregation in Toowoomba.

How the Banner Came into Existence
Tsunami - Waves of LoveTwo years ago Matthew Ford, a pastor in the city of Redcliff, near Brisbane, was awakened at about 3 a.m. He went into a vision and saw throughout the cities and country towns of Australia groups of people waving new banners with great fervour. They had joy all over them. They were getting the attention of Heaven.

He received some insight which he shared with his community the following week. Below is an extract from this revelation.

“Our Nation is about to experience one of the greatest 'Winds of Change' it has ever seen. A Holy Revolution is coming to our worship. Not only will the Heavens be opened above our churches, but the Living Rivers of God are once again going to flow through our worship centers and sanctuaries, unhindered by man.”

“There is a joy being released again throughout the Body. This is a cleansing, refining and refreshing joy. Not only will it cause supernatural strength in your soul and spirit, but it will renew you from the inside out.”

“Many have feared the refining and healing process, and have not entered into their true covenant with Jesus. But at this hour there is a mighty release of Grace, unmerited favour with God, for supernatural, instantaneous deliverance from bondage, addiction, religion and sin. I am causing a joy to be released, making healing and deliverance more relaxing and enjoyable. I am a loving Father, I will not cause you pain. But I will set you free as you worship me in Spirit and in truth.”

“I see an army across Australia… Raising up new 'banners' Banners not seen on the earth before… With an array of colours not yet seen. Unleashing a new wave of God's Spirit, a new wave of freedom, a new wave of how we do church. I am seeing a predominance of purples. All shades of purples. I am seeing a release once again of the "Kingly Anointing" into our nation. A "Holy Inheritance of Royalty". I am trusting the governance of my Church and Kingdom to a new generation of Generals.”

“I am calling you deeper into my rest, back into My arms of Love and Grace. I am a safe place for you and I will give you the rest you need.”

“Turmoil is around you, financial crisis is real, but My word is True. I will never leave you or forsake you, and I will provide all your needs.”

“I am enjoying you as my Child, and I am enjoying this nation. My joy will cause you to become a new person, a new creation, and my joy will cause you to do many things in My name. I am setting you free to live again, and My joy is your strength in times of trouble.”

“Here I am.”

In response to this word, Allana Johnson, a seasoned intercessor and banner wielder based in Redcliffe, asked God what these new purple banners were. Allana shared with us “I saw in my mind's eye a 'kingdom purple' banner with a symbol of Kingship in the center, but I couldn't distinguish what the Kingly symbol was. I strained to see, and suddenly realized that what was in the center was the "Lamb slain before the foundation of the world" symbol… the ultimate symbol of God's love for us was the symbol of kingship that was in the middle of the banner!!!”

Then I saw that there were 2 sets of paired 'Kingly' banners… one being the “lamb slain before the foundation of the world” on purple background, and its' pair, the 'Lion of Judah Roaring' on a purple background.”

Allana commissioned Out of Our Minds Banners to produce these banners for her.

The second set that Allana designed was paired river banners - They were like the existing “River of Life” design, with waves in multiple shades of blues, but there was also a new “River of Love” banner painted like the River of Life but in waves of mixed shades of purple to pink.

BUT… there was a difference! The waves on these banners were different. They are larger, bigger waves - tsunami size waves!!!!! This was the quality of the love God wanted to pour out on us.

Then Allana felt the Lord gave her an understanding of what the predominance of purple symbolized. She explains, “Purple is the 'Kingly' colour… but it is a combination of red and blue… red for 'shed blood', 'sacrifice', 'fighting for' etc, and blue for 'faith', 'faithfulness', 'peace' etc. Different combinations of each colour is what determines the shade of 'purple' to 'pink' that you get. Pinks to purples are varying shades and dimensions of Love… made up of differing combinations of sacrifice, fighting on behalf of, faithfulness and peace. They combine to make up aspects of love such as caring, appreciation, valuing, to the deep purple of compassion, to the deep, deep purple of sacrificial, agape “giving oneself for” love.”

The role and purpose of a Godly king, is that He takes on responsibility for the protection and wellbeing of those under His authority… who commits His whole existence to the wellbeing of those under His authority and therefore, His care… ie. utter love and commitment… Deep, deep purple…

So, the predominance of purples is not just about 'Kingdom authority', but also relates to the depth and degree of God's love and compassion being poured out… that the nature of kingship is agape love!!!

How the Banner Came Back to Toowoomba
The Redcliffe Uniting Church Banner team is comprised mainly of intercessors. As Redcliffe Uniting Church intercessors prayed for Toowoomba City and its neighbouring regions following what the media called an 'inland tsunami', The Holy Spirit seemed to reveal insights of Father's heart for them. This is what we forwarded to the pastor of Rangeville Community Church:

“God has heard your cries and prayers for your city and our nation over many years. The water that rushed through Toowoomba on Monday was God's tears. The tears came through your prayers for our nation.”

Just as this deluge began in Toowoomba, some of which washed down through the Lockyer Valley and on through Ipswich and Brisbane, so God's Spirit will begin flowing through your city down into these regions and on into our land. It will not be like the natural flood, destroying all in its path. Instead it will be a cleansing flow, washing away all the muck, softening hard hearts and bringing restoration. The Lockyer Valley will no longer be called 'The Valley of Death' (as mentioned by the media) but the Valley of Resurrection as God's Spirit brings new life.

There has been great suffering in this region. This has not been in vain. On that suffering and sacrifice will be built a foundation that cannot be moved - one that will last through eternity - the foundation of Jesus Christ Who causes living water to flow from the Cross bringing cleansing, forgiveness and healing to our nation.”

In September 2010, a member of the Redcliffe Banner Team had ordered a pair of banners which had been designed by Allana, one of our intercessors, and had been made by the team at OOOMB. We simply knew them as 'love' banners.

Through an unusual series of events, the “Waves of Love” banner was re-ordered and not unwrapped until mid-January 2011, just after the floods and after we sent word to the pastor of Rangeville Community Church. Only at this time did the details on the invoice 'Tsunami Waves of Love' seem relevant and they became like a flash of lightening before our eyes.

We were in awe! In that moment we had a strong awareness that God had orchestrated this. He had been mysteriously at work through all the delays and unusual sequence of events in our lives. This banner was for such a time as this. It was not ours to hold but ours to give away. What a privilege!

As we reflected on the nature of a tsunami, we learnt that an 'inland' tsunami is really an anomaly. A tsunami occurs in the depths of the ocean where the movement of water rises from the bottom of the ocean on the seafloor - not metres deep but KILO-metres deep with incredible power, moving at speeds of up to 950km/hr. The tsunami waves only occur after the chaos caused by something like an undersea earthquake or volcano settles, when the tectonic plates that have been horribly tossed about become realigned into their rightful positions.

In the spirit we could see how, at the Cross, where the greatest disruption and battle for position and realignment took place, Father released His 'tsunami waves of love' from the depths of His heart to flow to every person in every nation. Jesus has His rightful place as Supreme Lord over all. (This image confirmed to us our previous prayers; how God was working out His purposes of restoration as the people of Toowoomba worshipped and prayed in unity.)

One of the Redcliffe Team presented the banner to Rangeville on Sunday 30th January with our love and prayers that our Amazing Lord would continue to anoint the use of this banner and its declaration of just how deep and powerful the Father's Love really is.

How the Banner Was Received
Last Sunday we were blessed when Marion Maskelyne from Redcliffe church presented Rangeville Community Church with a beautiful worship banner called “Tsunami - Waves of Love”. A lady in their Banner team had designed the banner last year and David Stanfield's creative team had made it.

They had planned to dedicate it and use it but over Christmas it was put aside. Then when the 'Tsunami' flood hit Toowoomba recently they felt they were meant to give it to us as a love gift.

We had found it so hard when we saw our banners and worship equipment covered in mud after our worship venue was flooded. On Sunday as the congregation sang “On Eagles Wings” I picked up the banner with its waves of pink, lilac and purple and quietly walked among the worshipping congregation, waving it over them.

Tears filled my eyes as I felt His love flow across the people and I saw others wipe tears away also. It was a time of healing and being embraced in His love and the love from another church family.

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